Insurance Contracting. Well, once you’ve developed a recovery suites model and you’ve built an amazing facility and you start to have patients that want to have joint replacements in your surgery center and stay with you for a couple of days we have to find a way to pay for it.
The bundle rate program, which we’ve developed over the last ten years, has become a main stay in our local commercial pay market and I think the most important thing we can do to help in securing financing for your facility is insurance contracting. This is a relationship driven experience.
Back ten years ago when I walked into an insurance company for the first time it was like I was a rockstar. I didn’t even know they knew me. They might have known me from making phone calls and yelling about MRI approvals or surgery approvals, but they came out from behind their cubbies and I did feel like a rockstar when I was there. That relationship has grown to be amazing because the payers’ care about our patients, we care about our patients. It’s a natural alliance. They pay for the care that you provide.
So we developed a study that was clinically driven. Outcomes, complication rates, length of stay, readmission rates, all these buzzwords you hear in the insurance contracting world. We hired one of the best insurance contractors, here locally, in Las Vegas. She and I have been through this process for ten years and its amazing and now it’s time to take it to other markets and help other surgeons contract with their payers to provide awesome service based on clinical outcomes and ultimately to lower costs and improve outcomes and quality of care. So please, let us help you with your insurance contracting in your local market.